Charlie Banana Wet Bag Review

Initially I had planned to make my own wet bag, in order to save the most amount of money possible. But with limited fabric supplied and with baby Ezra's arrival being around the corner, I caved and decided to just purchase one instead; I'm glad I did. I had thought I would purchase the Gdiaper one, seeing as how that's the cloth diaper I chose to stick to, but I didn't want to have to pay for shipping. While at target I stumbled upon a Charlie Banana wet bag.

And although it set me back around $20, there's many things about it I really like. For starters, it's adorable, there was several prints but I went with the one named "under construction". It's also really big, so it's capable of holding a cloth diaper and an entire baby outfit if the need arises. It's machine washable, which is a MUST for me. I also like the fact that the company supports the organization Operation Smile. And my FAVORITE part of the wet bag has to be the terry piece added to the inside of the bag so that you can add your favorite essential oil to it.

My suggestion, add a mixture of tea tree oil and lavender to it. The tea tree oil will keep your bag safe from mold or mildew and disinfects, but my husband HATES the smell. I mixed it with a bit of lavender which itself has great disinfectant properties but also serves as a deodorant. PERFECT! Now you have a clean diaper bag that doesn't smell, and when you get home you can throw everything in the wash. Sometimes the investment is worth the convenience.


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